Privacy Policy

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Who we are

Goodwill Electrical Limited always prioritise the protection of user privacy whenever they are visiting our website or in communication with us. To ensure this, we have security measures in place to prevent unauthorised access or release for your information.

This online Privacy Policy explains what personal data (if any) we may gather from you and other website visitors. We reserve the right to change or update our Privacy Policy at any time.

We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy whenever possible to understand any updates that may have been made and to ensure you are satisfied with our Privacy Policy.

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act of 1998, our nominated Data Controller is Paul Williams (Founder & Managing Director of Goodwill Electrical Limited).

1. What Data & Information we collect

This outlines the data we may need to collect to ensure correct operation of our website for you:

1.1 – Information on your visits to the website as well as any resources used such as weblogs, communication data, traffic data and location data. Data collected is not limited to those specified and other additional data may be included.

1.2 – Forms completed on our website allow us to collect information about you regarding enquiries, registrations and/or purchases made.

1.3 – All data from communications between us may be collected for any reason.

2. How we use your Data & Information

2.1 – Data we collect may be used to provide and offer you information you have queries on our website in direct relation to our products or services. If consent has been given we may also send you information on services or products we feel may be of interest to you.

2.2 – Information and data collected may be used to enable us to offer and improve our services to you.

2.3 – We may use your data and information to make changes to our website and to explain them. These include service, product or structural changes.

2.4 – Existing customer contact details may be used to contact them about products and services that were related to an earlier sale.

2.5 – Data may be used by us or third parties to give you further information about unrelated products and services which may be of interest to you. Consent must be given.

2.6 – We may use your information in order to fulfil your request and any commitments we have made to you.

2.7 – Your privacy is very important to us. We will not share any data or information to reveal your identity to advertisers. However, we may provide other advertisers with statistical and aggregated data about our website visitors.

2.8 – If you have not given consent for our website or a third party to communicate with you then you can have the choice to decline our communication. If your consent is not given then we will not allow your information to be stored or used by third parties.

2.9 – If consent is given to us for communication then if you are a new customer then you might be contacted by us or third parties.

3. How we use Cookies on our website

3.1 – We value all our website user’s privacy. Any information which is collected won’t identify who you are but can be used to provide statistics and aggregated data to profile our website users and how they use our website. No sensitive information will be collected.

3.2 – Website cookies may be used to gather generic data. When using the website, cookies will be stored on your computer automatically without any prompting. Cookies are stored to your local hard drive. Cookie information that has been stored enables us to improve our website and our services to you.

3.3. – In order to improve our website and services we may collect information relating to your computer and browser. This information is used only for statistical analysis on our website visitors for us and our advertisers.

3.4. – If you do not want to accept the use of cookies you can block cookies via your browser. This is done by activating the relevant browser settings on your local computer and browser. Please read our Cookie Usage policy information below which provides instructions on how to disable cookies on various web browsers. You should be aware that if you disable cookies, your user experience on our website could be affected.

3.5 – Our tracking and advertiser cookies cannot be controlled. If you click on any advertisements or visit pages on this website, then cookies will be applied.

4. Storage of Personal Data

4.1 – We treat all personal data with the highest regard and apply the highest security measures possible. Data users provide us with is stored on secure servers and any transaction information is safely encrypted.

4.2 – We can’t totally guarantee the safety of the transmission of personal data over the internet. Whenever transmission occurs 100% security can never be guaranteed. All information provided to us is to be sent at your own risk and discretion.

4.3 – When processing and storing your data we may transfer data for locations outside of the EEA (European Economic Area). Processing of this information may be done by a company who is employed by us, a supplier or by workers who are operating outside of the EEA. Your order could be processed and concluded through payment details or support services. When processing an order, or payment you have agreed to this form of information and process. Whenever you provide your personal data for storage or processing you have agreed to its transfer. We will always strive to ensure that all security measures and the security of your data is upheld during data transfer within the agreement outlined within this privacy policy.

5. Sharing of your Data & Information

5.1 – Your personal data and information may be shared with any team member if required. Included are companies or subsidiaries we partner or may work with.

5.2 – If parts of our business are sold then personal data and information may be shared with third parties.

5.3 – Your personal data or information may be shared with other third parties.

5.4 – We may need to share your data and information to increase the protection against fraud or to minimise credit risk.

6. Third Party Website Links

Our Privacy Policy does not cover third party links to other websites from our website. If you wish to find out more information we advise that you review the third party website’s privacy policy. We accept no responsibility or liability for third party websites.

7. Access to Information

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to request access to any information that we may have collected or stored about you. If you require access to any of this information, please contact us at

8. How to Contact Us

If you require any data and information we’ve stored or have any queries relating to our Privacy Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Our team of experts are always ready to help answer your questions.