Terms & Conditions

Chas accredited contractor
City and Guilds logo
100% positive feedback on mybuilder.com
NICEIC approved contractor accreditation.
Trust mark - government endorsed standards
The electrotechnical JIB, setting employment strandards

In order to continue to use our website, all users must agree to fully comply with the following terms and conditions of use.  Together with our privacy policy these dictate Goodwill Electrical’s relationship with you and any use/interaction on the https://goodwill-electrical.co.uk/ website.

The brand ‘Goodwill Electrical’, use of the words ‘us’ and ‘we’ refers to the owners of this website who’s registered office Goodwill Electrical, 132 Melton Avenue, Solihull, Birmingham, West Midlands, B92 8HL. Goodwill Electrical’s company registration number is 10798950.

The terms ‘you’, yours’, ‘you’re’, ‘user’, ‘users’ are made in reference to the users of the website.

Use of the Goodwill Electrical website is subject to the following terms and conditions of use:

  • Goodwill Electrical nor any third parties can provide a guarantee for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, performance of the information and materials offered on the Goodwill Electrical website.
  • By using the website users accept that the information may contain errors and inaccuracies. Goodwill Electrical are excluded from any liability for all errors and inaccuracies to the maximum permitted extent by law.
  • The content of the pages on the Goodwill Electrical website are only for informational purposes and use.
  • All content on the website can be changed by Goodwill Electrical at any time without any required notice.
  • Any information or materials used on this website by you the user is entirely at your own discretion and risk. Goodwill Electrical will not be liable for any issues arising from any materials or information taken from our website.
  • If is the website user’s responsibility to ensure that any information, downloads, materials or services taken from the Goodwill Electrical website meet your requirements.
  • By using any strategies, advice, tips and information that we have written about, you the user, Goodwill Electrical are indemnified and held faultless to any subsequent detrimental results or events that might occur with your digital marketing, website or search engine rankings.
  • Goodwill Electrical advise that due to the changing nature of search engine algorithms, features and results presentation, website standards, the information provided on this website may become out-dated and/or inaccurate.
  • At the initial time of writing and posting, any information provided on the Goodwill Electrical website is deemed to be accurate and informational to the best of the Goodwill Electrical team’s knowledge. We discourage all users to only rely on our website as their only source of information and to cross-reference our information with that on other websites, blogs, whitepapers, books and journals.
  • The Goodwill Electrical website contains material which is owned or licensed to Goodwill Electrical. The material can include content, design, appearance, plugins, layout and graphical items. We prohibit reproduction unless it is in accordance with out copyright notification which is included with these website Terms and Conditions.
  • Use of the website, its content or materials without authorisation may result in a claim from Goodwill Electrical for damages and may count as a criminal offence.
  • Within written content or standalone content, the website may include hyperlinks to external websites. Any external links provided by Goodwill Electrical are intended to provide relevant citations to other websites and/or information contained on external websites. The use of external hyperlinks does not explicitly mean that Goodwill Electrical approve or recommend the websites in question.
  • Goodwill Electrical accept no liability to the nature of content on other websites which are linked to externally.
  • Goodwill Electrical accept no responsibility or liability for any phishing, hacking or viruses obtained by external websites linked to from our website.
  • User’s use of the Goodwill Electrical website and any dispute which may arise from the use of the website is subject to the laws of England, Scotland and Wales.